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About Us


   Harvest of Grace Ministries has based its foundation upon 1 Peter 4:10 which says, “As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God”. We have been called to serve the world with love and hospitality for those who need not only a “hand-out” but rather a “hand-up”.  If we can help our fellow brothers and sisters move from homelessness to homelessness then we are fulfilling the assignment that God has entrusted us with. There’s nothing better than to see the joy and smiles on people’s faces who have regained their dignity and self-confidence. It’s also a blessing to witness individuals move from receiving necessities to becoming a blessing to others in need.


There is no greater joy than to witness someone move from homelessness to becoming a homeowner. Harvest of Grace’s mission is to teach job skills to those who seek assistance along with partnering with various employers who are in need of qualified employees. Along with teaching and guiding them through this process, we also provide mentorship and spiritual guidance to help each person during and after the process.

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